

Friend's Heart

In times of trouble,
In times of need,
If you are feeling sad,
You can count on me.

I will give you a wink,
Until you smile,
Give you a hug,
And stand by your side.

I'll be there for you till the end,
I'll always and forever, be your friend!
I promise you from the bottom of my heart
I will love you till death.

I'd want

In the eternal life’s morning,
I want to be the sunshine in your eyes.
Like a wild summer night,
I wanna be the warm from your lips.

Like a beautiful red rose,
I want to be the love in your heart
And beyond the purity of our beings
I want to be the Light from your soul.

In a day of World's sunset,
More than to be I would to do
When are down I will always rise You
In all my lifes I want to live for You.

Unfreezing from all weight and sins,
Like a humankind Savior
I want to die for You,
In the undying Love’s dawn.